Bungus Beach

by - December 22, 2018

Bungus Beach is a beach tourism object that is equipped with lodging facilities, cottages, restaurants, art stages, and a large playground. Located in Bungus Bay, 25 km south of Padang City, it can be reached by taxi or Bungus public transportation. From this beach tourists can also rent a motor boat or fishing boat to go to the coral islands in front of them.

The sloping beach and shade of the trees become an attraction for every visitor. The desire to immediately taste the water and run in the fine sand is increasingly unbearable. The Caroline area still holds better marine potential than other areas along Padang Beach.

The condition of the mangrove forest is still a little awake. The underwater world is still interesting to dive into. Not infrequently, beginner divers often use Bungus Beach as a place for snorkeling. For scuba, divers can do it on several islands in the Bungus region.

Small islands located in the Gulf of Bunguih and Waters of Padang City such as Banana Ketek Island, Banana Gadang Island, Kasiak Island, Talena Island, Pasumpahan Island and Sirandah Island, still promise the beauty of the underwater world.

A variety of coral reefs and ornamental fish promises charming scenery. The beauty of the underwater world is a haven for snorkeling for divers. Satisfied diving practice and at Caroline Beach makes the stomach feel hungry.

The desire to immediately enjoy the various forms of seafood that provoke appetite is certainly a basic requirement. On the lips of Bungus Beach, the manager provides a variety of dishes for lunch. Of course with a relatively affordable price.

After enjoying a meal dominated by seafood, it will refresh the exhausted body condition. The shade of the trees along the lips of Bungus Beach is a resting place for sunny afternoons.

With knitting tied to trees, your lunch break will be more enjoyable. The breeze will make the eyes feel unable to resist sleepiness. Long periods of rest are certainly not desirable when traveling.

Various games can be performed along Bungus Beach. Playing foot balls can also be done there. For those who like water sports, waves at Bunguse Beach can entertain.

Surving sports lovers, of course will not waste the opportunity to mark the waves on Caroline Beach. Visitors who love fishing can vent their hobbies around the location in Caroline Cottage.

Many things can be done on the sloping nan beach. Of course, prepare the equipment before doing all your hobbies to the south of Padang City. Access to Bungus Beach can be done with various types of vehicles.

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