Teluk Bayur Port

by - August 25, 2019

Teluk Bayur Port, located south of Padang City, is the largest port in West Sumatra. This port has a very important role for economic development in Indonesia as well as the island of Sumatra. This is because this port acts as a place for entry and exit of imported and imported goods, from and to foreign countries.

Not only as a port, Teluk Bayur is also popular as one of the attractions that offer exotic beach views. Teluk Bayur itself is famous in an old song lyrics sung by a singer named Erni Johan.

This port was built since the Dutch era in 1988 under the name Emmahaven. The construction of the port was none other than an architect named Ir JP Yzerman. Meanwhile, the naming of the port itself is based on the name of a Dutch queen named Queen Emma. The construction of this port has many stories which are very worrying because all the people employed in the construction of this port are native to Dutch prisoners with more than 5 years in detention.

The natives employed were forced by the Dutch government to work while chained both hands and feet to avoid running away. So no wonder, if the construction of this port has sacrificed many lives for every day. Because the work that was charged to the natives was not in accordance with the food that was given. Until finally, in 1995 this port was completed and named Teluk Bayur Harbor.

Since then, the role of Teluk Bayur has been very important especially to support the international trade system of the Dutch government. However, Teluk Bayur was finally unable to compete with the Port of Batavia on the island of Java. This is because the Port of Batavia is more strategically located than Teluk Bayur.

Since then, the role of Teluk Bayur has been very important especially to support the international trade system of the Dutch government. However, Teluk Bayur was finally unable to compete with the Port of Batavia on the island of Java. This is because the Port of Batavia is more strategically located than Teluk Bayur.

As one of the tourist attractions, Teluk Bayur also has the beauty of the natural charm of the beach which is very amazing. The view of the beach at Teluk Bayur itself is very exotic, especially at dusk. Because it presents a sunset panorama in the afternoon.

Even so, the view of the beach is equally interesting when witnessed in the morning or afternoon. In the daytime alone, Teluk Bayur offers the natural beauty of a blue beach with many ships around the shore that are increasingly back and forth. When the afternoon arrived, the sunlight began to turn red, especially when it began to sink, also equipped with flashing lights coming from ships that sailed.

As a popular port, Teluk Bayur offers a variety of ports and other services, such as delay and stretcher services, port ponds, fields, goods handling, warehouses, bulk cargo handling operations, passenger terminals, land area utilities, container handling operations, and various port infrastructure facilities.

Did not reach this port area. From the center of Padang City it is only about 15 km. Also quite easy to find transportation there. Aside from taxis or other catered cars, there is also public transportation at a charge of Rp4,000.(*)

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