Andalas University

by - August 24, 2019

The presence of Andalas University as a community college of pride in West Sumatra did not come suddenly. The desire of the people of West Sumatra to establish a college has grown since entering the 20th century. This can be understood because at that time intellectual groups and intellectuals who were concerned with the education of the nation's children had emerged. However, the Dutch colonial government did not give the slightest opportunity to make it happen.

The idea of ​​establishing tertiary institutions in West Sumatra re-emerged along with the proclamation of Indonesian Independence by Ir. Soekarno and Drs Mohammad Hatta. West Sumatra community leaders feel that the needs of educated young generation are very urgent. It is they who are expected to fill independence and bring progress and the glory of the nation in the future. However, because at that time in the atmosphere of the War of Independence, against the arrival of the Dutch who wanted to colonize Indonesia again, the desire was buried again.

This wish was finally realized in 1948 by establishing 6 (six) academies consisting of the Civil Service Academy, the Physical Education Academy, and the English Language Act, the Cadet Academy, and the Police Inspector School. The six academies are in Bukittinggi. The success of establishing these six academies has increasingly spurred community leaders in West Sumatra to establish a university.

As a result of this delay, the "Sriwijaya Foundation" took the initiative to establish the Pancasila Law College Institute (BPTHP) in Padang on August 17, 1951. Following the Sriwijaya Foundation's steps, the government then established the Teacher Education College (PTPG) in Batu Sangkar on October 23 1954, the State Agricultural University in Payakumbuh on November 30, 1954, and the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Certain Sciences and Natural Sciences in Bukittinggi on September 7, 1955. The four colleges were inaugurated by Vice President Drs. Mohammad Hatta. Along with that, the Sriwijaya Foundation also submitted BPTHP to the Central Sumatra Provincial Government. Since then BPTHP has changed its name to the Faculty of Law and Public Knowledge.

The presence of Andalas University as a community college of pride in West Sumatra did not come suddenly. The desire of the people of West Sumatra to establish a college has grown since entering the 20th century. This can be understood because at that time intellectual groups and intellectuals who were concerned with the education of the nation's children had emerged. However, the Dutch colonial government did not give the slightest opportunity to make it happen.

The idea of ​​establishing tertiary institutions in West Sumatra was re-established along with the proclamation of Indonesian Independence by Ir. Soekarno and Drs Mohammad Hatta. West Sumatra community leaders feel that the needs of educated young generation are very urgent. It is they who are expected to fill independence and bring progress and the glory of the nation in the future. However, because at that time in the atmosphere of the War of Independence, against the arrival of the Dutch who wanted to colonize Indonesia again, the desire was buried again.

This wish was finally realized in 1948 by establishing 6 (six) academies consisting of the Civil Service Academy, the Physical Education Academy, and the English Language Act, the Cadet Academy, and the Police Inspector School. The six academies are in Bukittinggi. The success of establishing these six academies has increasingly spurred community leaders in West Sumatra to establish a university.

As a result of this delay, the "Sriwijaya Foundation" took the initiative to establish the Pancasila Law College Institute (BPTHP) in Padang on August 17, 1951. Following the Sriwijaya Foundation's steps, the government then established the Teacher Education College (PTPG) in Batu Sangkar on October 23 1954, the State Agricultural University in Payakumbuh on November 30, 1954, and the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Certain Sciences and Natural Sciences in Bukittinggi on September 7, 1955. The four colleges were inaugurated by the Vice President Drs. Mohammad Hatta. Along with that, the Sriwijaya Foundation was also submitted by BPTHP to the Central Sumatra Provincial Government. Since then BPTHP has changed its name to the Faculty of Law and Public Knowledge.

Efforts to unite the Unand campus which are spread in various places in the city of Padang have been made since the time of the Rector Prof. Dr. Busyra Zahir (1968-1976). The effort was continued by the Chancellor, Prof. Drs. Mawardi Yunus. Initially the construction of the Unand campus was planned in Ulu Gaduik, Lubuak Kilangan Subdistrict. However, because the location is close to the cement plant "PT Semen Padang", it is very likely to be polluted. So, there are three alternatives instead: Bukit Tambun Tulang (near Anai Valley); Tunggul Hitam (near Tabing Airport); and Bukik Karamuntiang. The most qualified of the three are Bukik Karamuntiang. The location is located in Kenagarian Limau Manih, Koto Panjang Village, Pauah District and is located about 15 km east of the city of Padang.

The construction of the Limau Manis Campus (Limau Manih's local community) was symbolically carried out by the Minister of Education and Culture Prof. Dr. Fuad Hassan by laying the first stone on March 11, 1986. Gradually the building was built: the rectorate, lectures, faculties, departments, laboratory, library, dormitory, and so on. Until now the construction of infrastructure and facilities at the Limau Manis campus is still ongoing, even though it has been used since 1989.

The building that was first used was the rector, while the first faculty to move was the Faculty of Literature (1990). Then follow: Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Animal Husbandry and FMIPA (1991), Faculty of Agriculture and Faculty of Law (1995). The Faculty of Engineering was the last to move from the Air Tawar campus and the move was also gradually over 7 years (2000-2007). While the Faculty of Medicine has not moved since now. However, a number of lecture activities have been carried out in the new building of the Faculty of Medicine, Unand Limau Manis Campus since 2013. Currently construction of a hospital university is under construction at the Unand Faculty of Medicine development site, Unand Limau Manis Campus.

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